our scouts engaged with almost all 54 teams!

entering scouting data in a quiet place is hard!

hotel breakfasts are great!

huge lunch crowd!

Ah, Lake Superior!

the team did amazing work on scouting

team meeting to help ensure everyone is on the same page

good times

fun being together in the stands

the arena!

support our sponsors!

could not be done without our sponsors!

extra activities for the day

a great Duluth presence

our three lead mentors!

our advance team scouts worked hard on Thursday!

excellent teamwork with mechanical repairs

challenging programming problems to be solved

The field!

our drive team at their station just before a practice match

almost ready for Duluth!

Eagan practice competition -- successfully completing the hardest task of just barely lifting off the ground! 2/15/25

Drivers working hard at our Practice competition in Eagan. 2/15/25

Eagan practice competition was huge, but Duluth will be bigger! 2/15/25

Front row seats! 2/15/25

Our scouting team engaged other teams at the Eagan practice competition. 2/15/25

Putting heads together in Eagan 2/15/25

Rolling our robot back to the pit after a match. 2/15/25

Fine tuning at our practice competition. 2/15/25

Even with all its parts and wires attached, the robot can be perplexing! 2/8/25

Our veteran drive team 2/15/25

Ready to watch some matches in Eagan! 2/15/25

Learning to grasp the code! 2/15/25

Fine grinding of precision parts 2/8/25

Not everyone needs to know math, but some do! 2/8/25

Success building a full size mockup of one of the game elements! 2/8/25

Emerging leadership with match scouting practice 2/8/25

new chain drive being added to the arm! 2/8/25

Love the ongoing cooperation 2/8/25

Measure twice, cut once! 2/2/25

Lunch break! 2/2/25

Testing the drive software on the older robot 2/2/25

Carefully extracting parts from prior robots for re-use 2/2/25

Lots of build planning discussions throughout the day 2/2/25

Programming team working hard with our technical mentors.

Carefully, carefully!

What are these again??
Posing with our flag!

Carefully extracting parts from prior robots.

Sorting is a must!
Organization is key!
Programing the robot!

Arm mechanism taking shape! 2/2/25
Fun and games!
Learning how to use new tools!
Calling sponsors. Oh dear!
Making a mock cage for our competition.

Open House demonstration!

Practice debrief.

Cleaning, cleaning, everybody, everywhere!

On of our business team members reaching out to potential sponsors.

Well needed rest! 2/2/25

Kickoff with the whole team!

Snacktime can be some of the best times! 2/2/25

A team member learning to analyze code.

Our tried and true robot from last year's competition.

Demo of last year's robot for the new team.

During the Kickoff, our captains laying out our plan for the season.

Having fun with friends!

Java coaching!